'Taking Chance'... a movie we all need to see

Last night I watched, "Taking Chance".  It is the story of a Lt. Col. who volunteered to escort the remains of a fallen Marine to his hometown.  The story is true and based on the experience of Lt. Col. Michael Strobl.  I was deeply moved by the story and the film does a terrrific job of portraying the events.  Lt. Col. Strobl wrote an account of his experience.  You can find it here >>>


On the way from Dover AFB to the hometown of PFC Chance Phelps, Strobl saw what the heart of Americans truely looks like.  The level of compassion from strangers was amazing.  The respect for those serving was profound.  And the appreciation of a young man, willing to give his life for his country and others, was deeply moving.

Sometimes, we forget the sacrifice made by those serving our country.  Sometimes we get caught up in the politics of war and lose sight of the fact that there are men and women dying.  Often, we fail to pay respect to those in service and their familes back home who suffer loss for a greater good.

Whatever your political or religious views, as Americans... we should not forget.  Watch the movie and for at least 2 hours, you will be reminded in a beautiful and honorable way.  For me, this film will have a sustaining affect.  I hope it does for you as well.

Tom Cuthbert